Saturday 21 August 2010

First Question

So I decided that I'm going to write a blog in which I answer some of life's biggest questions. I'm not saying that my answers will be right, indeed some questions simply don't have an answer, it's just my take on the issues at hand. If anybody has a question that they would like me to ponder over, feel free to leave a comment :-)

So the first question I am going to tackle is:
Which came first, the chicken or the egg??

Well I think that the answer to this question lies on how you define what a chicken and an egg actually are. I personally would say that the definition of an egg is much more broader than the definition of a chicken. The egg is merely the hard shell that covers a developing animal, whereas the chicken is a distinct species. I'll explore this a little more.
The class of the chicken (according to scientific classification) is "Aves" which implies that the species lays eggs. Following this logic, whatever species came before the chicken, would still have been classed as an "Ave" and so would lay eggs. However, whatever this previous species was, it is not what we would now call a chicken.
Therefore, my answer is that the egg must have come first, as the species that we know as a chicken, by definition, comes from an egg. Admittedly, at some point in the history of the world, there may have been an descendant of the chicken that didn't lay eggs, but then it would not be a classed as a chicken. Only once the species lays an egg, can it be classed as a chicken.

This answer of course presumes that the theory of evolution is correct. I would love to hear your views on today's question, or even your views on my view.
